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Maker Machining Services
Want that 3-D printed part to be machined into aluminium? Our Maker Machining Service can help do just that through custom CNC Machining. Whether it is a custom RC vehicle part or a prototype you created and printed for your small business. We can even easily convert your 3-D print file: STL, VRML, AMF and many others to make the process easier. PartsBadger Maker Machining Service opens up easy and affordable machining to the maker community.
Innovative Design Machined at a Value
There is a growing group of makers who create some of the most innovative solutions using desktop 3-D printers. At times though, the precision or durability needed in a design can not be achieved by a 3-D printer. Up until now, the machined parts industry has not been able to work with the maker movement for the low quantity/high quality replication of 3-D designs. The few services that have been available to makers have had minimum quantity restrictions and prices that place them out of reach of a large portion of the maker community. At PartsBadger we know some of the amazing things being imagined in the maker community need an easy and affordable machining option. We made it a mission to offer high quality machined parts at any quantity to the maker community.
Precision and Quality at any volume
Our Modern CNC machines can handle small radius cuts and maintain a high quality level whether you want one piece or one hundred. Chamfered edges, multi radius curves, and tapped screw or bolt holes are a few things that make machining a part more workable for maker’s projects. Turn your DIY projects in to quality, custom, low cost, machined parts.
No limitations on materials here
Check our full list of materials available at PartsBadger. With no restrictions on materials, our Maker Machining Service has you covered no matter what you need us to machine. There are also no limitations on quantity, we feel high quality, machined parts should be affordable when ordering 1 or 500.